April 4, 2012

How to contend an Air Compressor

Having a good air compressor is a vital part of the woodworking and production industries. Accordingly, properly maintaining said air compressor is perhaps the most vital part of using and powering pneumatic equipment. Because your air compressor is the muscle behind your pneumatic tools, and behind your results as well, ensuring their operation from the ground up is just as foremost as your end results.

Read the Owner's by hand - The very first step to properly maintaining your air compressor (or any other piece of equipment for that matter) is becoming acquainted with the operating/owner's manual. Although some crafters see their manuals as entirely inferior to their own heavy knowledge, in reality, the by hand contains a smorgasbord of truly essential facts that will help you ensure your compressor performs optimally for the longest potential whole of time. So, read and convention the guidelines in your operating manual, they will not lead you astray.

Storage - Where you store your compressor is other foremost factor. Either you use your compressor everyday and store it only at night, you, nevertheless, must store the thing in a cool, clean (dust-free) and dry environment. Where possible, you should also cover the machine ensuring it suffers from as few of the elements as possible.

Compressor Types - Additionally, there are two main types of air compressor - those that need regular oiling (designed for the heaviest industrial applications) and those that are oil-less and therefore need no oiling (designed for lighter-duty applications). Oil-less compressors need less regular upkeep but also wear more fast and consequently need exchange more often. On the other hand, compressors that need oiling, despite demanding a bit more concentration from their operators, enjoy a rejuvenating oil-bath and the required regular maintenance that ensures healthy components and a longer life-span. Because you have already read your owner's manual, you know which type of compressor you have.

Certain aspects of your compressor's maintenance need a small more frequency that others. Some procedures need to be performed everyday or with every use, while others need concentration only on a bi-yearly or six-month basis. The following describes the best practices and time intervals for properly maintaining your air compressor.

Daily Maintenance - On a daily basis or at least with every use, to preclude rust and water damage it is foremost to drain any moisture from the air compressor's tanks. To do this you must first release the air pressure from the tanks, open the drain valves and allow all moisture to wholly drain. If you work in a particularly dusty environment, it is also smart to blow or wipe any debris from the tool. This ensures your components remains clean and clear of clogging debris and perform optimally.

Weekly Maintenance - Once per week, take off any debris or other such obstructions from the air intake vents. Wipe them down well ensuring they are clean as a whistle and, if you use a compressor with a filter, get that filter whistling clean as well (you'd be surprised how dirty these things can get) and replace it as needed. If you use your compressor highly rarely, is is probably not essential to do this each week, but do do it after (about) every five uses.

Monthly Maintenance - Take a occasion each month to give your compressor a good-old-fashioned check-up. survey its nooks and crannies paying special concentration to entertaining parts, hoses and cords. Ensure the safety release valve opens properly, releases air pressure properly and closes properly without any air leakage. Similarly, ensure your hoses are leak free and in otherwise good condition, and that your cord doesn't have any breaks, kinks, scrapes or cuts. Because the electrical hazard of using a damaged cord is so great, do not use your air compressor (or any other machine or appliance) with a damaged cord.

Bi-Yearly Maintenance - Take a small bit more time about twice each year (every six-months) to ensure your most essential working parts are working correctly. Check each of the compressor's fittings for air-tightness ensuring there are no leaks and test that your gauges are displaying the literal, readings. Replace parts and filers where necessary, and, should you run into more serious issues, fast take your air compressor to an authorized assistance town for expert inspection.

How to contend an Air Compressor

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